Supporting People

Supporting People

Supporting Peoples Aims

To offer people support through partnership working, welcome anyone from the following groups

  • British, Irish, minorities, including Mixed Heritage, African, Caribbean, Middle Eastern and European people, Asylum seekers, refuge, Migrants etc.,
  • Parents, Individuals, Mothers, Men, Health and social care, Housing advice/support and Reduce Isolation.
  • Develop self-help groups and Increase Socialization.

These include a wide range of services for people with different support needs such as:

  • Mental health needs and Disabilities special needs
  • Services support people at different stages of their lives such as:
  • Vulnerable young people and Vulnerable older
  • People of any age undergoing a crisis affecting their housing and independence, such as eviction, domestic violence, coming out of prison, etc.

Parents with mixed or dual cultures

Do you know how important it is to your child development and growth to have a balance input of cultures. Examples white parents fostering or adopted of a none white child, what is the other parent or natural parents culture? 

  • How do you bring up your child to know its own culture and to understand Who they are?
  • What about skin color ?
  • What about hair-care?
  • What about discrimination and prejudices ?
  • What about food ?
  • music heritage etc etc.

All important questions that need  addressing. Parent are you able to handle any of the above mentioned 

Cultural awareness involves recognizing different beliefs, values and customs that other people have that are based on their origins or upbringings. Cultural awareness positions people to be more successful in both personal and professional relationships.

Awareness workshop and training available.

Why not contact Cultural Diversity Network for advice and training at cost

Black Health / Mental Health

Black men and cancer.

Black men have a higher risk of prostate cancer than white men 1in4 black men will at some point in their lives.

Time2reason is about getting information directly to Black Men, African and Caribbean men.

* Diabetes, Sickle Cell anaemia disorder, High blood pressure and Strokes, Mental health and Anxiety depression

Research evidence confirm black men and women are frightened of what will happen.

Mental health is a common disorder among black men in particularly, a bit less with black women


Black health is about offering support for to people with illness and diseases, these include diabetes, stroke, sickle -cell anaemia and disorder, hypertension cancers, mental health.

Support for people of African heritage include Caribbean, Middle Eastern countries and South Asian

The above mention illnesses are much higher in the black community than among white communities, however there are barriers for black people to access services even when such service maybe locally provided.

We aim to working in partnership to reduce the many barrier and inequalities to health and social care for black and minorities’ people.

26/03/2018 · People with mental health issues, especially from the Black and Asian communities, are made to feel embarrassed or ashamed about what they are feeling and then in turn this allows their negative thoughts and feelings to grow. In the Black and Asian communities, I have noticed a lack of 

Men's Mental Health

Men and mental health | Mental Health Foundation

In England, around 1 in 8 men have a common mental health problem. 1 However, men may be reluctant to seek support for their mental health or disclose mental health problems to loved ones. 2 . While many of the same difficulties are experienced by both men and women, some difficulties and influences on mental health may be especially relevant for men.

Mental health problems can affect anyone but discrimination and stigma can make people apprehensive to opening up about their experiences and seek help. Mental health in men continues to be a taboo subject, with many men suffering in silence when they experience feelings of sadness, loneliness or anxiety.

The societal gender norms that men should be “tough” and “fearless” further complicates this issue as many men feel they are not a “man” if they show any sign of weakness. Men may fail to recognise or act on warning signs and may be unwilling or unable to seek help. It’s important to recognise the signs and encourage each other to speak about how we are feeling – there’s no shame in feeling vulnerable, lost or sad; everyone experiences these emotions. 

 Taken  from Safeline.{ believe in you}

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